~Exalted~ Hope, Health and Healing
The World needs HOPE now more than EVER. Every week we will bring your stories from Hope dealers, and world shifters that are out sharing the GOOD news. We LOVE all things healthy and vibrant living, and testimonies of Miracles and Healings. This podcast is sponsored by www.exaltedhealth.com. Where we are ending the war on women hating thier bodies.
~Exalted~ Hope, Health and Healing
Out of the Ashes of Food Addiction
Season 2
Episode 34
Jerri Ann Jensen is an accomplished business owner with Vital Strengths Coaching and Training now, and she has a long list of accolades in addition to that but it wasn't always the full story. For years, Jerri Ann hid her struggles with food addiction and bulimia. Then Jesus entered the story and she was never the same.
You can find Jerri Ann at Vitalstrengthscoaching.com or jajensen@vitalstrengthscoaching.com