~Exalted~ Hope, Health and Healing
The World needs HOPE now more than EVER. Every week we will bring your stories from Hope dealers, and world shifters that are out sharing the GOOD news. We LOVE all things healthy and vibrant living, and testimonies of Miracles and Healings. This podcast is sponsored by www.exaltedhealth.com. Where we are ending the war on women hating thier bodies.
70 episodes
Mission Driven Mom
Audrey is the founder of the Mission Driven Mom. She leads moms from burnt out to fulfilled and mission driven.
Season 2
Episode 43

Positively Joy
Yvette Walker is the creator and host of the Positively Joy podcast and the Positively Joy Christian website. Her brand is centered around the podcast but she writes a blog and is working on a devotional to be published in 2021. She writes Chri...
Season 2
Episode 42

Overcoming Overwhelm
Dr. Margaret Nagib is a clinical psychologist and the facilitator for professional counselors for Bethel Sozo. Her passion is partnering with the Holy Spirit to restore wholeness through a deeper relationship with God, helping indiv...
Season 2
Episode 40

Moms in the Making with Caroline Harries
Caroline Harries has a heart for those who are waiting on breakthrough from the Lord and has a passion to see women step into their identity as daughters. She founded Moms in the Making®, a faith-based fertility support group, back in June of 2...
Season 2
Episode 39

One Year in Heaven
One Year ago my dad went to be with Jesus. It has been a hard year but there has also been beauty and peace in it. In this episode I share some beautiful miracle moments of how God has shown up the past year.
Season 2
Episode 38

MN's Perfect Miracle - Landen's Story with Kari Hoffman
In a devastating act four years ago, Kari's son five-year-old Landen was thrown from the fourth floor at Mall Of America. Despite worldy hopelessness in those unimaginable moments, Kari held fast to her prayers of complete healing and didn't al...
Season 2
Episode 37

Not another Fairy Tale
Through the hardest season of Ashley's life, the Lord became the most present He has ever been for Ashley. Listen in as Ashley's shares her beautiful story of how God taught her how to be in communion and relationship with Him.
Season 2
Episode 36

Spiritual Mothering and Fathering with Banning Liebscher
Banning is the Founder of Jesus Culture and the Lead pastor of Jesus Culture Sacramento. He is incredibly passionate about uniting the generations for the Kingdom.You can find Banning at Jesusculture.tv...
Season 2
Episode 35

Out of the Ashes of Food Addiction
Jerri Ann Jensen is an accomplished business owner with Vital Strengths Coaching and Training now, and she has a long list of accolades in addition to that but it wasn't always the full story. For years, Jerri Ann hid her struggles with food ad...
Season 2
Episode 34

Cheese balls for Jesus with Molly Sanborn
This episode will make you laugh, cry and be inspired for the call the Lord has for you on your life. Hear the hilarious story of how Jesus anointed Molly to carry around a Cheese ball Dispenser to celebrate the Kingdom.Get her book her...
Season 2
Episode 33

Uprise Now
Louise Stanton is an experienced ministry, non-profit and organizational leader who holds degrees in biblical leadership and organizational studies. She is also a certified wellness instructor and founder of Uprise, a community of women on the ...
Season 2
Episode 32

Jesus is still healing
He forgives all my sins and heals ALL my diseases. Psalm 103:3Jesus is still healing and I have witnessed many miracles and many healings over a period of course of time. Regardless He wants the very best for us and wants us to live in ...
Season 2
Episode 31

Real vs Counterfeit; Out of the New Age
Joanna Butenschoen grew up in the church and then drifted away and found herself dabbling in New Age practices that can sometimes look like truth. We know the enemy is the master of counterfeit so she shares the dangers of dabbling in New Age p...
Season 2
Episode 30

Faith Moves Mountains
Rob Ketterling is not just any pastor. He founded River Valley Church and has impacted people from all walks of life with his unique giftings, teaching style, and vision casting that set him apart as an amazing leader in the Christian community...
Season 2
Episode 29

You're Not Excluded from an Abundant Life
Melia Moore is not stranger to hardships. She spent years wanting to believe in the goodness of God but not knowing how to fully step into all He had for her. Hear her story of how He guided her into more fully living in Christ.
Season 2
Episode 28

Holding to Faith in the Hard Times
Kari Olson knows a thing or two about overcoming adversity. She's faced the betrayal of a spouse, cancer and foreclosure, but she's never lost faith. In fact, it's her faith that has helped her to stay strong through some of the darkest moments...
Season 2
Episode 27

When Anxiety and Overwhelm Seem to be Running the Show
When life gets overwhelming, who do you run to? We’ve been in a tough season of life and over the years I’ve learned to lean in during the hard times.
Season 2
Episode 26

Fierce and Flourishing Teens
Erin is the Founder and CEO of Be The Bench. An organization that helps teen girls make the most of these years. She is also the author of Your Fierce Life which will be released in October.You can find Erin at
Season 2
Episode 25

Transform your health journey!
Kristi Hunt has a passion for healing in spirit, soul and body. She is a licensed nurse practitioner but after going through some health struggles with her daughters she discovered that she had new goals. She brought essential oils into her hom...
Season 2
Episode 24

Revelation Wellness
Alisa Keeton is a leading wellness professional with more than 20 years of experience. In 2011, she launched Revelation Wellness, a non profit ministry that uses fitness tool to spread the gospel message and invites participants to become their...
Season 2
Episode 23

What’s blocking your blessing?
Is there something in your life that is blocking the promises of God from comig into fruition? Have you unknowingly allowed the enemy access to your life? Listen in, as I share how I sermon I recently heard reminded of some areas I needed to cl...
Season 2
Episode 22

Healing Spirit, Soul and Body
Join Tracy Brown Rd, LD/N as we dive into ALL the factors that are at play when it comes to healing. So many are turning to alternatives modalities that are not honoring the Lord and we dive into why they are so dangerous here.To Connec...
Season 2
Episode 21